Sr. Rational Tools Architect - Rational Tools Consultant
Software Configuration Management
Consulting concentrating on SCM practices and implementation
using the IBM Rational Jazz Platform, Collaborative Application Life
cycle Management Tools and legacy IBM Rational products.
Design and implement process automation based on industry leading and client
software development processes. Assist in planning and migration of code bases to
IBM Rational tools from other SCM tools.
Mentor clients in the effective use of IBM's CLM, ALM, UCM and industry SCM
practices. Experienced in extending the IBM Rational Jazz Platform to meet client requirements and or
provide integrations to 3rd Party tools.
Responsibilities also include overseeing workstation/server configuration, COTS tools install and
configuration, writing utilities to extend the capabilities of COTS or integration with existing IBM Rational Tools
and creation of makefile sub-systems to automate builds.
View the resume of a Rational Tools Architect.
Rational Team Concert Consultant
IBM Rational Tools Consultant
Jazz Consultant
Rational Tools Consultant
over 16 years of IBM Rational Tools experience