ClearTrigger ~Aliases

Many portions of the license file can contain aliases. These aliases are useful when you want to group several objects together by a single name so that they can name can be used to represent that grouping throughout the clearbits file. This is useful for creating fictitious "groupings" (the term "grouping" instead of "group" is used because ClearTrigger aliases can be used to group not just (users) into groups but also to "group" numbers of <groups>, {elements}, [VOBs], [VOB:replicas], %views% or @times@ or any combination of each of the types. Additionally, aliases can be used to "group" types as in brtype<integration> lbtype<main>. An alias "grouping" might consist of (users), <groups>, {elements}, [VOBs], [VOB:replicas], %views% or @times@ as found in: or they may be a type item as found in RIN List: You may define up to 40 aliases in the ClearTrigger Region such that: Alias definitions are "hidden" in the upper portion (above the license) of the clearbits file and are of this form:
#!cleartrigger_alias {alias_name} {alias_value}

Dynamic Variables and Patterns may be used in the alias value as well and are evaluated at run_time. There are examples below:

Example (each on single line)
#!cleartrigger_alias good_users (&) (cclarke) (slewand) (rcarter)
#!cleartrigger_alias dev_vobs [*cell] [*proj_##_?]
#!cleartrigger_alias mgt_access [*mgt*] {*/corp/*} <mgt>
#!cleartrigger_alias limit_types brtype<main> lbtype<REL#.#*>
#!cleartrigger_alias corp ~good_users ~dev_vobs ~mgt_access

Once defined in the clearbits file that alias can be used instead of the "grouping" in Region fields and command keys. Refer to an alias as ~alias when you want ClearTrigger to expand the alias at runtime. There are examples below:

; vobadm ~good_users <*adm> ;
; jgardner ~bad_users ~interns ;
pre_MODIFY_ELEM;R; ;0;0;0;D;~students ;N; ~admins ;0;;
pre_MODIFY_ELEM;R; ~limit_types ;x;10;