Functionality bit 24
- Limit File Checkin Size to 1 GIG (or some other size)

This portion of the license file contains the functionality bit to:

Automatically prevent the making of new file element versions that exceed 1 GIG. in size (or some other size).

When new file versions are attempted to be checked in will fail if the file version exceeds 1 GIG in size or the size indicated by the value of the cleartrigger_alias ABS_bit_24_size_override in the clearbits file.

To change the personality of this bit to limit the File Size to a value other than 1 GIG, just make sure to set the special purpose cleartrigger_alias ABS_bit_24_size_override in the clearbits file. The alias can be set to any value that matches one or more digits followed by a character from [B,K,M,G] for 'B'ytes, 'K'ilobytes, 'M'egabytes or 'G'igabytes. Like the examples below:

Example Override alias of...Limits file versions to...
 #!cleartrigger_alias ABS_bit_24_size_override 300B 300 bytes
 #!cleartrigger_alias ABS_bit_24_size_override 200K 200 Kbytes
 #!cleartrigger_alias ABS_bit_24_size_override 40M 40 Meg.
 #!cleartrigger_alias ABS_bit_24_size_override 2G 2 Gig.

So if the bit was enabled and ABS_bit_24_size_override was set to "2G" then attempting to checking a file larger then 2 GIG would result in the dialog below for most users:

While the current VOB-owner would see the dialog below that gives them the choice to prodceed with or cancel the checkin:

Valid values for this bit are defined below:

ValueDefines this feature as...