IBM Consulting by A Better Solution, Inc. - Dream Team

A Better Solution performs IBM Dream Team Consulting for IBM Tools like ClearCase, ClearQuest, Rational Team Concert & the Jazz Platform.

Looking for a team of Certified IBM Consulting experts?

A bit of each of the above. You need the best start from ground zero; you need IBM Tools training, need to find permanent employees, need initial processes set-up, need documentation of the whole shooting-match. Think "Dream Team". Imagine getting the best IBM Tools consultant available for a month - what's even better? Imagine getting one or two reputable and experienced IBM Tools consultants for one month. Envision the month they are there, the consultant or consultants will set-up and document your processes, provide training, convert your projects, and best of all, will actually help you hire their permanent replacements. Our consultants will leave you with a fully functional and self sufficient CM department. Your IBM Tools are running smoothly from the get-go.

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IBM Rational Consulting

IBM Product "Dream Teams"

ABS provides IBM Dream Teams consulting... A bit of each of the above. You need the best start from ground zero; you need IBM Tools training, need to find permanent employees, need initial processes set-up, need documentation of the whole shooting-match. Think "Dream Team".

Imagine getting the best IBM Consultants for a month to help with tools like ClearCase, ClearQuest, DOORS Next Generation, Build Forge, RequisitePro, Rational Integration Tester, Rational Quality Manager, UrbanCode or Rational Team Concert - what's even better? Imagine getting one or two reputable and experienced IBM Tools consultants for one month. Envision the month they are there, the consultant or consultants will set-up and document your processes, provide IBM Tools Training, convert your projects, and best of all, will actually help you hire their permanent replacements.

Our consultants will leave you with a fully functional and self sufficient CM department. Your IBM Tools are running smoothly from the get-go.

Let an ABS "Dream Team" come in and ease the burden for a project, take on the burden of conversion or take on the task of creating a CM group while your engineers concentrate on their daily task and get eased into the new processes that you design. Need it customized? Need a top-gun for two weeks and a middle-gun for a month? You design the "Dream Team".... after all it's your dream...

You can request or inquire about our IBM "Dream Team" Consulting Services here or email us at

A Better Solution, Inc. is a Gold IBM Business Partner specializing in IBM Products Consulting, training and Tools. We provide the very best IBM Product Consultants.  

©2024 A Better Solution, Inc. All rights reserved.

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