"Rational tools newsletter, ClearCase consulting, Rational Team Concert, ABS, training, Rational, Rational Team Concert, ClearQuest, IBM, Rational Tools training, CM, scm, ClearCase help, consulting, trainer, training, ClearCase guru, configuration management" "CLEARCASE resume, trainer, ClearQuest, consultant, ClearCase training, Rational, IBM, CM, scm, ClearCase help, consulting, trainer, training, ClearCase guru, configuration management" "ClearCase training, ABS, Rational, RTC, IBM, ClearCase training, CM, scm, ClearCase help, consulting, trainer, training, ClearCase guru, configuration management"

ABS IBM Rational Newsletter - Rational Solutions Page

The DevOps Solutions section of the ABS website contains a selection of free advice and tools that can be used to help efficiently run your DevOps tools infrastructure. Clear examples, answers as well as any needed source code is provided. Years of DevOps tool knowledge for multiple products in one place. No registration required or email address to provide. Just use as our gift to you.

The sections for this issue are:

The ABS DevOps Community is free and allows you to openly participate in DevOps discussions about DevOps concepts, tools and products. Of course there are ABS and IBM topics, but the community is meant to be DevOps-centric and tool-agnostic. Many tool-agnostic topics are soon-to-be added and suggestions are always welcomed. Use or join the ABS DevOps Community today.

iApproveIt FAQ
View Frequently Asked iApproveIt Questions that are often asked by both iApproveIt Users and iApproveIt Administrators. ABS provides the answers to these most frequently asked iDeployIt questions. Ask away. Be sure to bookmark the page fore future reference.

iDeployIt FAQ
View Frequently Asked iDeployIt Questions that are often asked by both iDeployIt Users and iDeployIt Administrators. ABS provides the answers to these most frequently asked iDeployIt questions. Ask away. Be sure to bookmark the page fore future reference.

ClearTrigger FAQ
View Frequently Asked ClearTrigger Questions that are often asked by both ClearTrigger Users and ClearTrigger Administrators. ABS provides the answers to these most frequently asked ClearTrigger questions. Ask away. Be sure to bookmark the page fore future reference.

Knowledge Base

Recent changes were made to the Rational Knowledge Base so you get more information and less clutter. Rational Users have used the Rational Knowledge Base to answer 123,878 questions so far.

The Rational Knowledge Base is still free and allows you to quickly find the right Rational Tools document or article to help you with your needs. It searches the IBM website and other websites and then indexes them so it is easy to find what you are looking for. Just type in a search term and a product and all the relevant document, RedBooks, or other IBM documentation or help links are returned.

How-to Videos

View the Rational How-to Videos to see video demonstrations that help you master key concepts on different IBM Rational tools. These videos are created by IBM, ABS or other Rational-centric vendors or resources.

Several Videos on UrbanCode and DevOps were added.

The Rational FAQ is free and allows you to view Frequently Asked Rational Jazz questions that are often asked by both Jazz Tool Users and Jazz Tool Administrators. ABS, IBM and others provide the answers to these Jazz questions. Ask away. Bookmark the page as our gift to you.

ClearCase FAQ
Frequently Asked ClearCase Questions that are often asked by both ClearCase Users and ClearCase Administrators. ABS provides the answers to these ClearCase questions and also provides any associated source code (written in Perl, Batch, JavaScript, Shell or C). Ask away. Bookmark the page as our gift to you.

ClearCase Tools
Try the Tools, Triggers or Scripts sections to download and use free and supported ClearCase Tools, Triggers or Scripts.