;Final QA build tonight...;;You also have the ability to restrict when the MOTD is appended to dialogs by populating the MOTD Restriction List, which restricts what dialogs the MOTD message appears on. You can limit it to Users, Groups, elements, VOBs, replicas, views, times and regions. For example:
;Final QA build tonight...; (qa_test*) [/vobs/qa_*];Show the MOTD, but only to "qa_test*" users while working in any "qa* VOB.
The format for this section is a list of zero or more user-ids, group names, VOBs, replicas, element names, views, times or regions enclosed by semicolons (;). User names are surrounded with parenthesis (i.e. (cclarke) ), group names are surrounded with brackets (i.e. <groupname>), VOB tags and VOB:replicas are surrounded with square brackets (i.e. [/vobs/a_vob], [\a_vob] or [\some_vob:some_replica]), element names are surrounded with curly braces (i.e. {/vobs/a_vob/foo.c} or {\a_vob\foo.c}, view names are surrounded with percent characters (i.e. %night_build_view% or %import_view%), times are surrounded with 'at' characters (@) (i.e. @D20050211@ or @d4@), and ClearCase region names are surrounded with single quotes (i.e. 'unix_dev_region' ).
Additionally, this section can contain a pattern match for the current environmental variable ABS_TRIGGER_POLICY (i.e. ^development_phase^ or ^urgent_delivery^),
The use of Dynamic Variables is also allowed (i.e. so (&) can be used to represent the current VOB_owner).
Pattern Matching is also allowed; the '*' char matches any string, the '?' character match any single chararacter and the '#' character matches any single digit. All users can be represented by a "(*)" string, all groups can be represented as <*> all VOBs can be represented as [*], all elements can be represented as {*}, all views can be represented as %*% and all ClearCase regions can be represented as '*'.
The use of Alias Names is also allowed; an ~alias may be used to identify a large number of (users), <groups>, {elements}, [VOBs], [VOB:replicas], %views%, @times@, 'regions' or ^ABS_TRIGGER_POLICY_match^. Alias references (i.e. ~interns must have a trailing space after the alias name in the reference.
Example Type | example |
empty list | ; ; |
single user entry | ; (jmorey) ; |
single group entry | ; <dev> ; |
certain groups | ; <qa_*> <dev_?> ~west_coast ~quam ; |
all Windows VOBs | ; [\*] ; |
all UNIX VOBs | ; [/*] ; |
select VOB replicas | ; [*:atl] [*cm:sfo] ; |
multiple entries | ; (sue) <dev1> [\a_vob] (admin_#) ; |
particular elements | ; {/vobs/a/src/foo.c} {\vob_a\foo.?} ; |
select elements | ; {*.c} {/vobs/*/src/*} ~core_code ; |
multiple entries | ; (sue) <dev1> [\a_vob] (bob) ; |
select view | ; %import_view% ; |
multiple view entries | ; %QA_*% %build_view% ; |
select days | ; @D20050211@ @D3@ ; |
select hours | ; @h1@ @h23@; |
multiple region entries | ; '*_win' 'development_unix' ; |
env. var. ABS_TRIGGER_POLICY matches | ; ^normal_development^; |
all users | ; (*) ; |
all elements | ; {*} ; |